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new to BSD (and a bit lost)

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new to BSD (and a bit lost) Empty new to BSD (and a bit lost)

Post by anime4james Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:51 am

   So I'm new to BSD (obviously) and I have gotten it set up and assigned my profile to it so (I assume) I am now able to reassign ps3 saves. But I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do cheats. At startup it says it downloaded them, then after I decrypt the file I click on Cheats but it only has three options: "apply cheats", "open selected file in patch creator", and "open patch in text editor". If I choose "apply cheats" it brings up a menu that says "there are not cheats not available" (bad grammar included).

I watched a few videos online but everyone else seems to have cheats listed in this menu. Am I doing something wrong? Why do I not see any cheats?
any help for newcomers would be appreciated.

p.s. I did try and understand the painless guide but it was painfully confusing and I didn't feel that it explained a lot of this.


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new to BSD (and a bit lost) Empty Re: new to BSD (and a bit lost)

Post by UCgraveDX Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:23 pm

may be the cheat you are looking for is not updated? the one that comes with BSD initially may or not have the cheat you need for a game you are trying to mod. try DL the 2 files on upper left corner of the forum labeled games.conf and cheat.db and copy them to BSD directory. If the cheats aren't still available you have to manually add them just click on cheats then edit cheat and you should see there is a icon of a left arrow on the bottom of the cheat window and click on the Icon that is a note pad and pencil this will bring you to the open patch creator and search the forum for the cheat you are looking for and copy and paste and save.

Last edited by UCgraveDX on Thu Feb 01, 2018 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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new to BSD (and a bit lost) Empty Re: new to BSD (and a bit lost)

Post by Dark Nacho Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:44 pm

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